In the realm of lawn care, one often encounters a multitude of techniques, products, and ideologies promising the perfect green oasis. Yet, amidst this sea of options, one often overlooked aspect stands out: context. Understanding the unique context of each lawn, with its distinct soil composition, microclimate, and existing ecosystem, is essential for achieving sustainable and regenerative results.

Embracing a Mindset of Exploration: For over four decades, since the beginning of my journey in lawn care at the age of 16 back in 1981, I’ve steadfastly embraced exploration and change. Armed with curiosity and a commitment to continuous learning, I embarked on a transformative journey in 2015 when I began measuring and benchmarking soil health using advanced tools like the microscope. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of a new chapter in my lawn care practices. This journey has been a testament to the power of context, revealing the intricate interplay between soil biology, environmental conditions, and plant health.

Harnessing the Wisdom of Biology: Biology, with its billions of years of evolutionary history, holds the key to resilience and regeneration. By acknowledging the resilience of soil microbes and their ability to adapt to changing conditions, we can unlock the full potential of our landscapes. Through careful observation and experimentation, I’ve learned to harness the wisdom of biology, allowing natural processes to guide my lawn care practices.

Successional Expression: A Path to Sustainable Results: In the context of lawn care, successional expression is a guiding principle that emphasizes the dynamic nature of ecosystems. Just as in natural ecosystems, where plant communities evolve and adapt over time, our lawns undergo a process of succession. By embracing this natural rhythm and facilitating the expression of diverse plant species, we can create resilient and sustainable landscapes that thrive in harmony with their surroundings.

Measuring Results: A Journey of Adaptation: Central to my approach is the practice of measuring results and using data to inform decision-making. Since 2015, I’ve meticulously tracked soil health indicators, observed changes in microbial activity, and adjusted my lawn care regimen accordingly. This iterative process of observation, analysis, and adaptation has been instrumental in achieving tangible improvements in soil structure, nutrient cycling, and overall lawn health.

Looking Ahead: A Commitment to Continuous Learning: As I continue on this journey of exploration and discovery, one thing remains clear: there is always more to learn. By embracing a mindset of continuous learning and remaining open to new insights and perspectives, we can continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in lawn care. Together, let’s unlock the full potential of our landscapes and cultivate thriving, regenerative ecosystems for generations to come.