In a recent recording by Ian Carroll of @Cancelcloco, he once again boldly states his stance on the oil industry, emphasizing the importance of maintaining morals in a world driven by profit. While he promotes companies he believes in, such as Luxe Beauty, it’s essential to shed light on the dangers lurking within industries like lawn care.

Ian’s message resonates deeply with me, especially when considering the hazards posed by synthetic lawn care products within my industry. Many products in the lawn care industry, from synthetic fertilizers to artificial grass, contribute to environmental degradation and health risks. The prevalent “Mor-on Approach” relies on petroleum-based chemicals to force plant growth, leading to a vicious cycle of dependence on herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides.

This approach not only undermines soil health but also increases insect and disease pressures, ultimately harming the environment and human health. The cumulative effects of these chemicals pose a significant risk to both applicators and consumers alike, contributing to long-term health issues.

After experiencing my own toxic events, I’ve embraced a regenerative approach to lawn care that focuses on building soil health naturally. By following regenerative principles influenced by the concept of Biological Genesis, we can mimic nature’s processes and create sustainable landscapes that benefit both people and the planet.

Moreover, the prevalence of synthetic turf, often referred to as “Frankenstein grass,” exacerbates the issue. The production and maintenance of artificial grass contribute to environmental degradation and pose health risks to both humans and wildlife.

Instead of perpetuating this harmful cycle, I advocate for a regenerative approach to lawn care. By embracing these principles deeply influenced by the concept of Biological Genesis, we can work in harmony with nature to build soil health and foster sustainable ecosystems.

From our front doors to the farms, from recreational areas to agricultural fields, the products we use impact every aspect of our lives, including the air we breathe and the water we drink. It’s time to break free from the cycle of synthetic chemicals (our industry’s pharma) and embrace a more sustainable way of caring for our lawns and landscapes.

Together, we can create a healthier environment for ourselves and future generations by choosing products and practices that align with nature’s wisdom. Let’s strive for a greener, cleaner world, one lawn at a time.