At Stangl’s Enviro Lawn Care, we’ve experienced a profound transformation over our four-decade journey. We’ve witnessed a remarkable shift from conventional lawn care practices to regenerative solutions that not only benefit your property but also contribute to global environmental health. Join us on a journey through time as we introduce you to our regenerative processes, revealing our commitment to sustainability and excellence.

Our Humble Beginnings: The Birth of Stangl’s Enviro Lawn Care

Our story began in 1981, a time when the lawn care industry adhered to conventional practices rooted in ego—Edging Green Out. These practices were driven by monetary gain and were heavily reliant on synthetic fertilizers and chemical sprays. They were perpetuated by an industry that invested in research, often with motives that raised questions. Did they truly lack an understanding of the natural processes of soil and plant life, or was ego-driven profit the driving force behind their actions?

In the early days, Michael Stangl, the founder of Stangl’s Enviro Lawn Care, operated within this traditional paradigm. However, personal experiences, including health issues from exposure to chemicals and growing awareness of the environmental impact, compelled him to seek a greener, more responsible way to care for lawns.

From Toxicity to Transformation: Our Journey to Regenerative Alchemy

Our journey from toxicity to transformation has been marked by a commitment to innovation and sustainability. We abandoned synthetic fertilizers and harmful pesticides, opting for natural and sustainable alternatives. Our flagship product, the renowned Johnson Su compost, epitomizes our dedication to quality and eco-friendliness. Crafted over a meticulous 15-month process, this compost is a rich blend of organic matter, essential for nurturing the thriving ecosystems beneath and above your lawn. The result is Nature’s Brew, an extract teeming with diverse biology, proven by DNA testing.

Revealing Nature’s Secrets: The Power of DNA Testing

At Stangl’s, we shun guesswork in favor of science and data. Our DNA testing process delves into the heart of our compost, unlocking its secrets and confirming the richness of its diversity and protective capabilities. These tests spotlight the remarkable potential of our extracts, capable of combating drought, deterring insects, and thwarting diseases while nurturing a flourishing microbial community beneath your lawn.

Nurturing Strong Foundations: Soil Health and Carbon Sequestration

Regenerative lawn care goes beyond aesthetics; it’s about cultivating robust foundations for your property. We champion soil health, water infiltration, and carbon sequestration. Our methods bolster your soil’s capacity to absorb and retain water, ensuring your lawn remains lush even during dry spells. By sequestering carbon in the soil, we contribute to fighting climate change and reducing your lawn’s carbon footprint.

Measuring Triumphs: Soil Health Calculations

We don’t rely solely on words; we measure achievements. Our team conducts thorough soil health assessments, evaluating critical metrics, including nutrient cycling, bacterial, fungal, protozoan, and nematode populations, among others. These calculations provide an accurate snapshot of your lawn’s health, steering our ongoing regenerative efforts.

Join the Regenerative Movement

Our transition from chemicals to regenerative excellence has been profoundly rewarding—for our health, our environment, and our planet. We invite you to be part of the regenerative movement, where your lawn becomes a vibrant, thriving ecosystem, not merely a green patch. Together, we can make a lasting impact on your property, your community, and our planet.

Ready to Begin Your Regenerative Journey?

Contact Stangl’s Enviro Lawn Care today to embark on a journey that defines eco-friendly excellence. Let’s transform your lawn into a symbol of responsible stewardship, a source of pride for you and your community.

Elevate your lawn, elevate planetary health. Together, we are agents of change.

Contact Us to commence your regenerative lawn care journey today.

Begin your regenerative journey with us and help create a greener, more sustainable future—one lawn at a time.